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Built In Variables

Evolve supplies a small handful of built in variables. Some are available everywhere and some are available contextually. Referring to a built in that is not available in the context that your code is in will result in a compile error.

IdentifierAlways AvailableDescription
$runtimeyesThis provides a reference to the runtime. See UIRuntime for api listings
$rootnoResolves to the top level ElementReference in a template declaration
$elementnoResolves to the 'current' ElementReference. Not available in top level function declarations or outside of an element context (ie inside a render block but part of a specific element)
$parentnoResolves to the 'current' element's parent ElementReference.
`$oldValuenoAvailable inside change handlers, refers the previous value
`$newValuenoAvailable inside change handlers, refers to the new value
`$companionnoAvaiable in any top level declaration that also supplied a companion type. Refers to the companion instance
$textnoAvailable inside typography elements and typography decorators. Resolves to the current TextReference

$root, $element, and $parent

When inside of a top level declarations (except for function) you can always use $element to get the current element reference. Inside of a render block, $element becomes contextual based on where it is used and is only valid inside a binding expression. It is not valid inside a create, run, enable, var, state, repeat, if or any other expression that is not related to a property or lifecycle binding.

In a given element usage like Text("xyz"), the $element reference becomes available inside of bindings.

When inside of a render block, you can refer to $root to get an ElementReference for the current template root, in the example below it would point at Thing.

You can also use $parent to refer to an element's parent. This is available everywhere that $element is valid and always points to the currently executing element's parent.

template Thing {

before:update => {
$element.SetAttribute("ticked", true); // in a top level declaration $element points to Thing

render {

Text($"the element is {$element}"); // refers to the Text element
Text($"the element is {$root}"); // refers to the Thing, which is the template root

run $element.SetAttribute("illegal", true); // $element points nowhere, this is not allowed
run $root.SetAttribute("illegal", false); // $root points to Thing, totally fine

run $parent.SetAttribute("fine, "yep"); // $parent points at Thing's parent. this MAY be invalid if Thing is a view root and has no parent.

Element1(value = $parent) { // $parent == Thing
Element2(value = $parent) { // $parent == Element1


Inside of a decorator, $element points to the element being decorated.

decorator SomeDecorator {

before:update => $element.stlye.BackgroundColor = `red`;
