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If / Else

If else works identically to how it does in C#, the added optional ability to be declared as destructive

A scope in Evolve is lexical (so starts/ends with { and }). Scopes within render have a lifetime and any state defined in a lexical scope will be remembered from frame to frame. A destructive scope will be cleaned up if it does not render for a frame. This can be useful when you have some state that is only valid while its part of the UI on screen or if you have a large tree of elements that are rarely used, it can be good practice to cleanup the tree when its not in use to release memory and other resources.

template IfElseSample(required bool someCondition, required bool someOtherCondition) render {

if(someCondition) {
else if(someOtherCondition) {
else {


template IfElseSampleDestructive(required bool someCondition, required bool someOtherCondition) render {

if:destructive(someCondition) {
else if(someOtherCondition) {
else {
